It blind-sides me every time. I am going about my day minding my own business, and then it creeps up from behind and pours its toxins into my head, and I am defenseless against it. Every thought becomes darkened; my mood turns to gloom bordering on despair. The physical space around me seems to take on a melancholy glow of its own; the walls close in, light is diffused . . . my safe, cozy cocoon transforms into a cage, a trap that brings on panic that I am afraid will finally settle in, and I won’t escape.
I turn on music to drown my thoughts, but my favorites betray me. . . the melodies are slower, more haunting, the lyrics accusatory and mournful. Songs of love and seduction turn my stomach; I only want to hear what makes me ache, and my mind drifts further down into the abyss.
Tears burn; I can feel their sting behind my eyes. I can’t let them fall; if I do, I don’t know how to make them stop. . . they overwhelm me, and I can only hope that the pool is shallow this time. So I fight them, but it is a battle I ultimately lose.
You would think I would learn. . . ride the wave. . .don’t fight the undertow which is so much stronger than me and shows no mercy. Surrender and let it carry me where it may; struggling is futile and exhausting, but here I am again, throwing punches at an invisible adversary that I cannot beat.
testing...blogspot has fucked up my blog...
I so know how you feel, love the way you wrote about it, I've gotta remember to just ride the waves too otherwise I feel like I'm drowning, spiralling down into nothingness..
btw, thanks for commenting on my blog, I sometimes wonder if people ever read it.
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